Mark has 25 years' experience of working in education as a teacher, Educational Psychologist, and Coaching Psychologist. He is a British Psychological Society Chartered Educational Psychologist, an Accredited Member of the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP), an Associate Fellow of the ISCP, and in 2022 became a Chartered Coaching Psychologist within the British Psychological Society's Division of Coaching Psychology. In 2023, Mark became an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and an Accredited Supervisor with the International Society for Coaching Psychology. Mark has worked as an Educational Psychologist since 2003, supporting schools and families to identify and support individual children's needs while also helping schools to further develop their knowledge and provision. As a Coaching Psychologist, Mark has now accumulated over 800 hours of direct coaching time supporting individuals and teams to achieve enhanced performance, development and wellbeing, and is also an experienced trainer with experience of working nationally, internationally and online. He is also a published author, conference speaker and podcast guest speaker on the subjects of coaching & coaching psychology. Mark is passionate about providing people with enjoyable, interactive, satisfying and learning-rich experiences that result in enhanced benefits for the people they provide services to – a wonderful win-win situation!
Mark has completed courses in coaching and coaching psychology with the Centre for Coaching, London, and maintains a commitment to his own continuous professional development through reflective practice, supervision, reading books & journals, attending CPD courses, writing, facilitating workshops, and participating in peer practice groups. You can email Mark at [email protected]
Adams, M. (2022). ENABLE: A solution-focused coaching model for individual and team coaching. In D. Tee & J. Passmore (Eds.), Coaching Practiced. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Adams, M. & Lee, J. (2021). Coaching in education: Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of pupils and staff. In M. Watts & I. Florance (Eds.), Emerging Conversations in Coaching & Coaching Psychology. Abingdon: Routledge. Available from Routledge's website.
Adams, M. (2016). Coaching psychology: An approach to practice for educational psychologists. Educational Psychology in Practice, 32 (3), pp. 231-244.
Adams, M. (2016). ENABLE: A solution-focused coaching model for individual and team coaching. The Coaching Psychologist, 12 (1), pp. 17-23.
Adams, M. (2015). Coaching Psychology in Schools: Enhancing Performance, Development and Wellbeing. Routledge. Available from Routledge's website.
Adams, M. (2012). Coaching psychology in schools: Supporting staff performance and well-being. Coaching Psychology International, 5 (1), pp. 13-21.
Adams, M. (2012). Problem-focused coaching in a mainstream primary school: Reflections on PRACTICE. The Coaching Psychologist, 8 (1), pp. 27-37.
Adams, M. (2024). Give Yourself a Break: Moving Away from Self-Condemnation and Towards Self-Acceptance. Keynote presentation at the online PositiviTEA Conference of Positive Psychology, September 2024.
Adams, M. (2023). Solution-Focused Coaching. Workshop at the United Kingdom Association for Solution-Focused Practice conference, Oxford, July 2023.
Adams, M. (2021). From Crisis to Opportunity: Responding to the Challenge of a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World. Workshop at the Division of Educational & Child Psychology Virtual Conference, March 2021.
Adams, M. (2018). What can EPs bring to coaching, and vice versa? Keynote presentation at University College London 'Leading Edge Day', Coaching Psychology & Possibilities for Educational Psychology Practice, October 2018.
Adams, M. (2018). Coaching for Resilience: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to Challenging Self-Limiting Narratives. Workshop at the University of South Wales Coaching Conference, Cardiff, March 2018.
Adams, M. (2017). Coaching for resilience: Principles and tools to support resilience in teenagers and young adults. Workshop at the International School Psychology Association Conference, Manchester, July 2017.
Adams, M. & Lee, J. (2017). How can coaching contribute to enhanced performance, development & wellbeing in schools? Keynote presentation at the Bristol Head Teachers’ Conference, Bristol, March 2017.
Adams, M. (2017). ENABLE: A Solution-Focused Coaching model for individual and team coaching. Workshop at the University of South Wales Coaching Conference, Cardiff, March 2017.
Adams, M. (2016). How can coaching psychology contribute to education for the benefit of staff, children and schools? Keynote presentation at the 6th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, London, July 2016.
Adams, M. (2016). Self-Efficacy: What is it, what affects it, and how as coaches can we work with it? Workshop at the University of South Wales Coaching Conference, Cardiff, March 2016.
Adams, M. (2016). Solution-Focused Coaching. Workshop at the European Mentoring & Coaching Council Symposium on Coaching in Schools, Bristol, January 2016.
Adams, M. (2015). Self-Efficacy: What is it, what affects it, and how as coaches can we work with it? Workshop at the British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology Conference, London, December 2015.